Working with Educate Fairfax is Good for Business

When you invest in Educate Fairfax, you help your business in three ways: 

  1. Develop a talent pipeline;
  2. Increase your business competitive advantage; and
  3. Capture new perspectives that can contribute to greater innovation.

For business leaders, back to school season is an ideal time to consider partnering with their local schools.  It’s easier for school administrators to consider partnership initiatives at the beginning of the academic year. To facilitate these types of partnerships across all Fairfax County Schools, Educate Fairfax will bring area employers and leaders from the Fairfax County Public School system to our signature event, “Leaders & Learners: Education is Everybody’s Business” on November  Attendees will hear from new FCPS Superintendent, Dr. Michelle Reid, about her plans to amplify the business voice in the educational system.

Businesses that invest in FCPS not only are developing their own future talent pipeline but are positioning their company with customers and their community.  Accessing research and talent while further connecting with the community is as close to a win-win as you will find.  An easy way to start a partnership with your future workforce is to become an event sponsor at Educate Fairfax’s Leaders and Learner breakfast on November 9th.

Over the two years, we’ve seen a transformational shift in how we view our education and workforce systems. The pandemic has changed the nature of work, how we view skills, and put a spotlight on a dire workforce shortage and the need to re-think how we educate so our current and future workforce can keep pace with the changing needs of our economy. Your support of Educate Fairfax will help create a valuable supply of highly skilled employees in your backyard prepared to make your business more competitive.

To find out more about the event, or to purchase a table or tickets, please visit our website.